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Binance crypto giveway link – Get up to 3 USDT free in your Binance account

Get up to 3 USDT free in your Binance account, just click on Binance crypto giveaway link – valid till January 31, 2024 only, please login to Binance account to get the amount credited in your Binance account.

The amount will be credited to your Binance funding account immediately, which you can use for trading or staking depending on how much risk you can afford to take.

This offer is available for a limited time only, so please click on

Due to government policy of hiring relatives, friends of top government employees faking online income, indian citizens forced to use crypto

The dishonest greedy liar top tech and internet companies have got the relatives, friends of top government employees like bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, haryana cheater ruchita kinge no work no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector, faking online income, bank account, domain ownership in a sophisticated form of BRIBERY
The liar tech and internet companies are ROBBING all the data of the real online workers, investors who are criminally defamed to cover up the government SLAVERY, financial fraud .
The LIAR top government employees are then blocking all the work of the online workers, investors to cover up their government SLAVERY,financial fraud. So the online workers are forced to look for new options for making money online especially crypto
The banking fraudster raw/cbi employees who falsely claim to be online experts never had any online income and are not interested in working online since their relatives, friends, top tech and internet companies are getting them no work no investment government jobs only for faking online income. So they are not aware of the latest trends and indian citizens are forced to use crypto because the indian government policies are made by banking fraudster employees who never had any online income at all.

Binance Crypto Red Packet Giveaway – get 0.01 – 3 USDT FREE


Binance has announced its Crypto Red Packet Giveaway which allows members to get some free crypto
Binance members can get 0.01 – 3 USDT FREE in their Binance funding account only by pasting the giveaway link in their browser
They should be logged in to their Binance account to make the claim.
The amount is credited to the funding account immediately.
Members who participate in the giveaway will also get their own giveaway link which they can share with others
Internet users who do not have a Binance account, can register a Binance account for free, KYC required
The Binance Crypto Red Packet Giveaway ends on October 31, 2023, so participate in the Binance giveaway now

crypto interest rates expose the massive financial fraud of greedy gujju domain fraudster raw employee amita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees

Usually people who are rich are expected to pay the expenses especially if they are falsely claiming to pay the expenses and get a monthly government salary. Even for crypto those who have less money are getting better interest rates. There is a bonus interest rate for those who have less than 1 BNB and less than 250 USDT
Yet showing the massive online financial fraud of the indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata, cognizant, government employees from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay,led by cheater puneet, domain investors making very less money are expected to pay all expenses, do all the work, while the indian government agencies, liar tech and internet companies are DUPING companies, countries and people worldwide with fake stories about their lazy greedy fraud employees like panaji goan bhandari call girl raw employee sunaina chodan.
The greedy gujju domain fraudster raw employee amita patel has a networth of more than Rs 100 crores, cheater raw employees indore housewife deepika/veena,haryana human monster ruchita kinge also have a networth of more than Rs 15 crores, and despite gettting a monthly government salary all these cheaters refuse to purchase the domains, pay any expenses since 2010, though the indian government is making fake claims about these fraudsters and other fraud raw/cbi employees.
This shows the lack of social justice in india, online workers who are private citizens making very less money are expected to pay all the expenses, while the indian government, tech and internet companies are making fake claims about the lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees since 2010, to justify the great powers, monthly government salary all these fraudsters are getting

Coinbase account discontinuing all services to indian users in september 2023

Coinbase discontinuing all services to indian users in september 2023 according to the email received below

This is regarding your account linked to .
This is a friendly reminder that we will be discontinuing all services to your above-mentioned account.
Please note that you will be able to access or the Coinbase app until 25th September 2023 and should withdraw any funds held in your account by such date.
Your funds remain secure with us, and you are able to send funds to other crypto wallets or services (subject to standard network and transaction fees), including Coinbase Wallet.
Coinbase Wallet is our self-custody wallet, giving you complete control of your crypto. Coinbase Wallet supports hundreds of thousands of tokens and decentralized apps, so you can trade crypto, collect NFTs, and much more.
Thank you.
The Coinbase Team

Tron mining website not accessible since August 2023

Though most of the “reputed” bloggers in india who are mainly cia stooges do not mention it, increasingly the internet is being divided into groups, one group consists of united states, uk, nato countries and other groups, are russia, china and their allies
CIA is very aggressive in taking down some websites, since most of the top websites, domain registrars are owned by US companies
TRXwhale was a Tron mining website in english and other languages which was developed after great effort, the website owner invested a lot of time and money
Yet in August the website is not accessible in india and elsewhere also
Justin Sun, born in China had developed the tron network
This open harassment could explain the reason why china did not attend the g20 summit being held in india at present
CIA/nsa discrimination against some domain investors, website owners like the, owner is the reason why there is less incentive for developed a very high quality website since cia/nsa are extremely hostile and ruthless in destroying everything for some website owners

cybercriminal logs into faucetpay account at 11.42 am using idea connection

cybercriminal logs into faucetpay account at 11.42 am using idea connection
Indicating the high levels of cybercrime in india, even the faucet pay account with a dollar or less is closely monitored by a powerful cybercriminal
The domain investor has not authorized anyone to login to any of her online account.
Yet she is getting notifications regularly that someone has logged into her faucetpay account
The cybercriminal is using a Idea connection from Pune
This is the reason the domain investor is trying to move all her crypto to binance which has better security features when the balance is $1 or more.

After a large number of complaints, greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel now switching to forex trading

It appears that the stock trading strategies of greedy gujju stock trader amita patel are not very effective and a very large number of people are complaining online on mouthshut, quora, google reviews about the massive losses which they have made. Some have also threatened to take legal action against her for the losses which they suffer.
Since domain investor is very expensive and risky, it now appears that greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel is now switching to forex trading. Her latest social media posts are focussing on forex trading. Due to the domain ownership fraud of greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees, the domain investor was forced to write articles on forex and other topics.
It appears that most forex traders are making huge losses, so it would interesting to find out how many people, greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel gets for forex trading

Binance pay becomes the preferred option for online payment instead of paypal

Though the cheater raw employees haryana human monster ruchita kinge,optum human resources manager, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad, provided content only for 4-5 months in 2011-2012, indicating the extremely high levels of corruption in raw/indian internet sector, these cheaters falsely got credit for all the content, written in the last 15 years,and are getting a monthly government salary only for falsely claiming to write this and other content while the indian government, raw/cbi refuse to acknowledge the english writing skills of the real writer, a single woman engineer, the time she spends writing in one of the most shocking cases of government SLAVERY
Due to the endless frauds of the indian tech and internet companies fraud raw/cbi employees like gurugram cheater ruchita kinge, bengaluru fraud nayanshree, siddhi mandrekar, panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan who never did any writing work are getting credit,great powers and monthly government salaries while the real writers are criminally defamed, humiliated and all their their writing orders are robbed. So advertising is the only way the writers, domain investors can make a small amount of money
Earlier paypal was the main or preferred payment method for ad networks, it appears that there is a change in the payment method. The domain investor registered for a new ad network to try to increase her revenues. She found that Binance Pay is now the preferred payment option, though paypal is also provided. Income tax department data also confirms that business owners have very low revenues, and their revenues are reducing, yet the greedy shameless cheater liar tech and internet companies continue to hysterically make fake black money allegations to justify their resume robbery