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New Binance urls blocked, yet FIU refuses to end banking, online fraud of domain fraudster raw/cbi employees since 2010

After the ban on was announced, some Youtubers announced new urls for binance, and
These urls were available for some time, yet FIU was quick to block the new urls also.
Yet showing the double standards of the government agencies they refuse to end the banking, online fraud of domain fraudster raw/cbi employees since 2010. Though these domain fraudster raw/cbi employees do not pay expenses, do not do computer work, and refuse to purchase the domains including this one, they continue to fake domain ownership, bank account, online income to get great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor who is making great losses and complaining online.
The financial fraud of the well paid government employees can be easily proved,yet FIU and government agencies refuse to end it.